From Sustainability to Personalisation: The Top Event Trends for Modern Planners

Post by 
Karen Ashwin
April 20, 2023

The world of events is constantly evolving, and it's important for event planners to stay on top of the latest trends to create memorable and engaging experiences for attendees. Whether you're planning a corporate event, a conference, or a social gathering, here are some of the latest event trends to keep in mind:

‍Hybrid Events

Hybrid events have become increasingly popular as the world adapts to the new normal of virtual events. This approach combines the best of both worlds: the in-person interaction that attendees crave, combined with the reach and flexibility of virtual events. Hybrid events can allow for greater reach and engagement, as attendees can participate from anywhere in the world. They also provide greater flexibility, as attendees can choose whether to attend in person or virtually.

To make a successful hybrid event, it's important to think about the needs of both in-person and virtual attendees. You'll need to provide a seamless experience for both groups, with live streaming, virtual networking, and on-demand content. To create engagement and connection between in-person and virtual attendees, you can use tools like chat rooms, social media, and virtual breakout rooms.


Sustainability is becoming an increasingly important consideration in event planning. From reducing waste and energy use to sourcing locally and using eco-friendly materials, there are many ways to make events more environmentally friendly. Some popular sustainable event trends include plant-based catering, reusable decor, and eco-friendly transportation options.

To create a sustainable event, start by looking at all aspects of the event, from transportation to catering to decorations. You can reduce waste by using digital signage instead of printed materials, and by providing recycling stations throughout the event space. You can also use eco-friendly materials like bamboo, recycled paper, or biodegradable plastics. Finally, you can work with local vendors to reduce the environmental impact of transportation and logistics.

Experiential Events

Experiential events are designed to immerse attendees in a specific theme or concept, creating a memorable and engaging experience. These events often incorporate interactive elements, such as gamification, live entertainment, and immersive environments. They can be particularly effective for branding and product launches, as they create a strong emotional connection with attendees.

To create an experiential event, start by defining the theme or concept you want to convey. Then, think about how you can create a fully immersive experience that brings that theme to life. This could include interactive displays, live performances, or immersive environments that transport attendees to another world. You can also use gamification to create engagement and friendly competition among attendees.


Personalization is becoming increasingly important in event planning, as attendees expect more tailored experiences. This can include personalized messaging, customized swag bags, and personalized networking opportunities. Event planners can use data and analytics to better understand attendees' preferences and tailor the event experience to their needs.

To create a personalized event, start by collecting data on attendees' preferences and behaviors. This could include information from previous events, social media, or surveys. Then, use that data to create a tailored experience that meets their needs. This could include personalized messaging, customized swag bags, or personalized networking opportunities based on attendees' interests and backgrounds.


Wellness is a growing trend in the events industry, as attendees are becoming more focused on health and well-being. Some popular wellness event trends include yoga and meditation sessions, healthy catering options, and wellness-themed breakout sessions. Event planners can also incorporate technology, such as wearable fitness trackers, to encourage attendees to stay active and healthy during the event.

To create a wellness-focused event, start by incorporating healthy catering options and opportunities for physical activity throughout the event. This could include yoga and meditation sessions, or incorporating breaks for attendees to take a walk or stretch. You can also incorporate wellness-themed breakout sessions or workshops on topics like mindfulness or stress management.

In addition, you can incorporate technology into the event to encourage healthy behaviors. For example, you could provide attendees with wearable fitness trackers that track their activity throughout the day, or create a mobile app that reminds attendees to take breaks and stay hydrated.

Creative Venues

Venues are an important part of the event experience, and event planners are increasingly seeking out unique and creative spaces to host events. This can include industrial warehouses, historic buildings, and outdoor spaces. These venues can provide a memorable backdrop for the event and create a unique atmosphere for attendees.

To find a creative venue for your event, start by thinking outside the box. Consider non-traditional spaces like art galleries, museums, or outdoor spaces. Look for venues that have unique architectural features or historical significance. These venues can create a memorable backdrop for your event and make it stand out from the crowd.


Technology is becoming increasingly important in event planning, as it can be used to enhance the event experience and provide greater engagement opportunities. Some popular event technology trends include augmented reality, virtual reality, and interactive displays. Event planners can also use technology to collect data and analytics on attendee behavior, which can inform future event planning.

To incorporate technology into your event, start by identifying the areas where technology can add value. For example, you could use augmented reality to create an interactive exhibit, or create a virtual reality experience that transports attendees to another world. You can also use interactive displays to create engagement and provide information to attendees. Finally, use data and analytics to track attendee behavior and preferences, which can inform future event planning.

In conclusion, by staying on top of the latest event trends, event planners can create truly memorable and engaging experiences for attendees. From hybrid events to sustainability to wellness, there are many ways to create an event that stands out from the crowd. At The Event Production Company, we pride ourselves on our ability to stay on top of the latest trends and incorporate them into our event planning process. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you plan your next event.

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