6 Ways Marketing Managers Can Grow Their Dubai Business in 2019

Post by 
Karen Ashwin
July 18, 2019

This is a great time to be a marketing manager in Dubai. Not only is the city thriving, but there are lots of different ways you can market your business. The newest trend? Live events.

Plan Live Events

Live events are a marketing tool that many businesses fail to take advantage of. Many large companies, including Facebook and Apple, frequently host live events because they’ve found that it’s an excellent way to really connect with their supporters and promote their latest product/service. The live events provide businesses with a rare opportunity to engage in actual face-to-face marketing with members of their target market. Millennials respond particularly well to live events.

Reasons to Host a Live Event

There are many different reasons you can host a live event, including:

  • Creating awareness of something your business supports
  • Raising funds for a Dubai relief effort or non-profit organization
  • Celebrating milestones and anniversaries
  • Product launches
  • Customer appreciation events
  • And more!

Target Market

The whole idea of hosting a live event is attracting the consumers who make up your target market to the experience. Different ways to accomplish this include:

  • Providing good food and entertainment
  • Offering incentives
  • Making it a people-friendly event
  • Sending invites to your loyal customers
  • Heavily promoting the event on social media channels

Include People Who Cannot Attend

It’s in your best interest to attempt to include people who are unable to attend the event. One of the best ways to do this is by live-streaming the affair and posting the link to the live streaming on your social media channels.

In the past, it’s been difficult to measure the effectiveness of live events, but today there are many things you can do to ensure you get a full ROI on any live event in Dubai.

Planning a live event takes a great deal of time and resources, but there’s nothing that says you have to handle the entire project alone. Contact us and learn how we take the stress out of live events, allowing you to focus on other aspects of running a successful business.

Take Advantage of Influencers

Consumers no longer trust their own gut instincts about companies and now often turn to influencers for guidance. If an influencer they trust doesn’t recommend a product/brand/company, the consumer will write the business off and take a look at what brands and businesses the influencer advocates.

Selecting an Influencer

When selecting an influencer to aid your marketing efforts, you want to:

  • Look for one that already has a strong following that consists of many Dubai residents
  • Choose one that has a flair for naturally presenting products in an organic manner
  • Has a knack for creating and promoting niche-based content
  • Select influencers who routinely actively engage with their followers

Some different ways a good influencer can be a boon to your marketing is by:

  • Hosting competitions/giveaways that feature your product as the prize
  • Social media takeovers
  • Posting reviews/videos/additional content that features your product

Become Transparent

Transparency is a word that marketing experts have been throwing around for a few years now. While many business owners understand that making their business practices visible does help build trust between themselves and consumers, many businesses aren’t sure how to make themselves more transparent.

Businesses that have worked to make their marketing and business practices more transparent enjoy:

  • Higher consumer engagement
  • Significantly improved customer loyalty
  • Better feedback about specific marketing strategies
  • More positive customer reviews and recommendations

Great ways to start making your business more transparent include:

  • Discussing why you’ve made certain business choices
  • Leading discussions about losses and how those losses influence your current business decisions

Turning Customers Into Brand Ambassadors

2019 is a great time for you to focus on turning your customers into brand ambassadors. Customers who have active social media accounts and are enthusiastic about your product or company will quickly inspire their followers to give your company a try. Customers as brand ambassadors are a great form of organic marketing.

To turn a customer into a brand ambassador:

  • Select some loyal customers who you think will make good brand ambassadors and start actively engaging with them
  • Make sure you consistently provide outstanding customer service
  • Invite the customers who you feel will make good brand ambassadors to your live events and product launches
  • Create lots of shareable content and thank loyal customers who share the content with their followers

Work Towards Becoming an Industry Leader

People prize knowledge which is something you can provide. Instead of simply posting advertisements and promotions, turn to social media and your website and start setting yourself up as an industry leader. Ways to become an industry leader include:

audience is listening to the orator in public at live events
Audience is listening to the orator in public at live events

An audience is listening to a keynote speaker in public.

  • Delivering solid keynote speeches at live events
  • Providing critical insight into your industry
  • Sharing tips on how your product benefits consumers

The content needed to establish yourself as an industry leader can take the form of:

  • Live videos
  • Blog posts
  • Participating in discussions that take place in industry-specific groups
  • Answering questions via social media
  • Informative web content

Take a Step Back from Marketing Tricks and Focus on the Human Aspect

It’s easy to get so caught up with the different ways technology and social media can boost marketing efforts that we sometimes forget that consumers are people. Taking a step back from the algorithms, statistics, and other technological marketing gizmos and really thinking about what your human customers need and want is a great way to remind yourself that at the end of the day, you need to direct a large portion of your marketing efforts to the human side of marketing.

The most important thing to remember in 2019 is that you want all of your marketing efforts to result in business growth while you build a solid foundation of loyal customers.

Find More Ways Marketing Managers Can Grow Their Dubai Business

The Event Production Company isn’t your run-of-the-mill event planning organization. We’ve spent years planning live events in North Africa and the Middle East. We’re an award-winning live event planning agency who enjoys creating live events that assist with everything from launching products, to improving employee engagement, to rewarding loyal customers. Contact us to learn how we can create exactly the type of live event your business’s marketing strategy requires. We’re excited about connecting with you!


“If you can dream it, you can do it”. - Walt Disney...and we’ll be here to help make it a reality.

Book a session with the team and get a clear idea of how we can help you create an unforgettable experience. 

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