Building Inclusivity into Corporate Events: Best Practices for Diversity and Inclusion

Post by 
Karen Ashwin
April 8, 2024

Building Inclusivity into Corporate Events: Best Practices for Diversity and Inclusion


In today’s global corporate landscape, diversity and inclusion (D&I) have transitioned from mere buzzwords to fundamental pillars shaping the ethos and operations of businesses worldwide. The drive towards creating more inclusive environments is not just about adhering to ethical standards; it’s about enriching the corporate culture, fostering innovation, and reflecting the diverse tapestry of our global community. This shift has profound implications for corporate events, which serve as microcosms of corporate culture and values.

At The Event Production Company (EPC), we recognise the unique position of events as powerful platforms for promoting diversity and inclusion. With a rich history of producing events across Africa and the Middle East, we are acutely aware of the nuances and sensitivities involved in creating events that are not only inclusive but celebratory of the diverse cultures within these vibrant regions. Our approach is underpinned by a commitment to understanding and respecting the rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and values that characterise these areas, ensuring that every event we produce is a beacon of inclusivity.

As we delve into the subject, this blog aims to shed light on the importance of embedding D&I into the fabric of corporate events. We’ll explore best practices, innovative solutions, and real-world examples from our experiences in Africa and the Middle East. Our goal is to inspire event managers and producers to embrace diversity and inclusion not as a box-ticking exercise but as a golden thread woven through the very heart of every event, enriching experiences for all participants and setting new standards for excellence in the event production industry. Join us as we embark on this journey towards creating more inclusive, vibrant, and impactful corporate events.

The Importance of D&I in Today's Corporate Events

In the dynamic landscape of the corporate world, D&I have transcended mere buzzwords to become fundamental cornerstones of organisational ethos and strategy. This shift reflects a broader societal move towards embracing the rich tapestry of global communities, acknowledging that a diverse and inclusive environment is not just ethically imperative but also key to driving innovation, engagement, and business success. For the event management sector, particularly in regions as culturally rich and varied as Africa and the Middle East, the integration of D&I principles into corporate events is crucial for mirroring these values and fostering an environment of respect, understanding, and collaboration.

A Catalyst for Innovation and Creativity

D&I in corporate events acts as a powerful catalyst for innovation and creativity. By bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, events become melting pots of ideas where the unconventional is encouraged, and new solutions emerge. This diversity of thought is the lifeblood of innovation, pushing boundaries and challenging the status quo to pave the way for breakthroughs in industries and communities alike.

Enhancing Brand Reputation and Market Position

In today’s global market, a brand's commitment to diversity and inclusion is not only a reflection of its corporate values but also a key differentiator in its market position. Corporate events that champion D&I principles showcase a brand's commitment to social responsibility, equity, and the welfare of its community. Such events enhance the brand's reputation, attract a wider audience, and build loyalty among consumers who prioritise inclusivity in their purchasing decisions.

Improving Engagement and Retention

Events that are thoughtfully designed to be inclusive can significantly improve engagement among attendees. When participants feel seen, heard, and valued for their unique contributions, they are more likely to engage deeply with the event's content and with one another. This heightened engagement fosters a sense of belonging and community, crucial for employee retention and satisfaction. Inclusive events also serve as a platform for underrepresented voices, offering opportunities for empowerment and leadership that might not be available in other corporate contexts.

Reflecting Global Dynamics and Enhancing Cultural Competency

In an increasingly globalised world, corporate events have the unique opportunity to reflect the dynamics of a diverse global community. By incorporating D&I, events can become showcases of cultural competency, offering insights into different cultural practices, beliefs, and values. This not only enriches the experience of all attendees but also prepares them to operate effectively in a global business environment, enhancing their ability to communicate and collaborate across cultural boundaries.

Building Inclusivity: A Strategic Imperative

Building inclusivity into corporate events is more than a moral obligation; it's a strategic imperative that aligns with the goals of innovation, market expansion, employee engagement, and brand loyalty. As event managers and producers, especially within the vibrant landscapes of Africa and the Middle East, embracing and championing diversity and inclusion is essential. It is our role to ensure that every event is a reflection of these values, creating spaces where all participants can thrive, share, and learn in a richly diverse and inclusive environment.

At The Event Production Company, we understand the critical importance of D&I in today's corporate events. Our approach is not just about meeting a checklist but about weaving these principles into the very fabric of our event design and execution. By doing so, we aim to not only meet the current standards but to set new benchmarks for inclusivity and diversity in the event management industry.

Understanding Regional Nuances: Africa and the Middle East

Navigating the cultural, social, and economic diversity of Africa and the Middle East is a cornerstone of effective event planning in these regions. The Event Production Company (EPC) prides itself on a nuanced understanding of these complexities, ensuring that every event we produce not only respects but also celebrates the rich diversity of these landscapes. Here, we explore the importance of cultural consciousness in event planning and highlight common oversights, along with strategies to avoid them.

The Tapestry of Diversity

Africa and the Middle East are regions characterised by profound diversity. From the bustling markets of Marrakech to the tech hubs of Nairobi, each area offers a unique blend of traditions, languages, and economic backgrounds. This diversity enriches the event experience but also requires a careful, informed approach to event planning. Being culturally conscious means recognising and respecting these differences, tailoring each event to reflect the local context authentically and sensitively.

Cultural Consciousness in Event Planning

Cultural consciousness in event planning involves several key considerations:

  • Venue Selection: Venues should not only be chosen for their logistical suitability but also for their cultural relevance and accessibility. For instance, selecting a venue that respects local architectural styles or is known for its cultural significance can enhance the event's appeal and attendee experience.
  • Programming: Event content and programming should be designed with a deep understanding of the audience's cultural backgrounds. This includes considering local holidays, significant cultural events, and societal norms that might affect participation and engagement.
  • Communication: Effective communication goes beyond language translation. It encompasses understanding the nuances of non-verbal communication, local idioms, and expressions. Being mindful of these aspects can prevent misunderstandings and foster a more inclusive atmosphere.
  • Catering: Food is a significant aspect of cultural expression. Offering a menu that respects local dietary preferences and restrictions, including halal, kosher, vegetarian, and vegan options, can make all attendees feel welcomed and valued.

Common Oversights and How to Avoid Them

  1. Overlooking Local Expertise: One common mistake is bypassing the rich resource that local partners and suppliers can offer. Local experts bring invaluable insights into cultural norms and logistical challenges. Collaborating with them not only enhances the event's authenticity but also ensures smoother execution.
  2. Cultural Insensitivity in Content and Entertainment: Using cultural symbols, traditions, or elements without understanding their significance can lead to misrepresentation and offence. To avoid this, engage cultural consultants in the planning process and vet all content and entertainment through a lens of cultural respect and sensitivity.
  3. Inadequate Accessibility Arrangements: Failing to consider the varying needs of attendees, including those with disabilities, can lead to exclusion. Ensure venues are accessible and that materials are available in formats that cater to different needs, including braille, large print, and audio descriptions.
  4. Ignoring Local Regulations and Norms: Each country has its own set of regulations regarding events, from permits to censorship laws. Ignoring these can result in legal issues and negative publicity. A thorough understanding of local regulations and compliance is essential for the smooth operation of any event.

Best Practices for Building Inclusivity in Corporate Events

Achieving inclusivity in corporate events requires deliberate planning and execution at all stages of the event lifecycle. From pre-event planning to post-event reflection, every phase offers unique opportunities to enhance diversity and inclusion. Here, we outline best practices that EPC employs to ensure our events not only welcome diversity but celebrate it.

Pre-Event Planning

Inclusive Event Design

  • Venue Accessibility: Selecting venues that are accessible to people with disabilities is non-negotiable. This includes physical access to the venue, as well as accommodations within it, such as accessible restrooms, seating arrangements, and clear signage.
  • Multilingual Materials: Providing event materials in multiple languages caters to a wider audience, ensuring that all attendees can engage with the content. This could include invitations, event agendas, and digital content.
  • Dietary Considerations: Offering a range of dietary options accommodates various cultural, religious, and personal preferences, making everyone feel included and respected.

Diverse Speaker Line-Up

  • Curating a speaker line-up that reflects a diversity of perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences enriches the event content and demonstrates a commitment to inclusivity. This also involves ensuring equitable representation of genders, ethnicities, and nationalities relevant to the region and industry.

During the Event

Creating Safe Spaces

  • Implementing mechanisms for reporting and addressing any instances of discrimination or harassment is crucial. This could include having a designated team member to handle such reports confidentially and establishing clear protocols for action.

Engaging Diverse Participation

  • Designing interactive sessions, Q&A formats, and workshops encourages active involvement from all attendees, ensuring that diverse perspectives are heard and valued. This engagement can be facilitated through the use of technology, such as event apps that allow for anonymous questions or real-time feedback.

Post-Event Reflection

Gathering Feedback on D&I Aspects

  • Soliciting feedback specifically on diversity and inclusion aspects of the event helps identify areas of success and opportunities for improvement. This feedback can be gathered through post-event surveys, focus groups, or direct outreach to attendees.

Strategies for Continuous Improvement

  • Analysing feedback and integrating these learnings into future events is key to continuous improvement. This might involve adjusting the speaker selection process, enhancing venue accessibility, or introducing new formats for participant engagement.

Case Study Reference

At EPC, orchestrating the Forbes U30 Africa Summit in Gaborone, Botswana, stands as a hallmark of our expertise in championing inclusivity and diversity through event management. Tasked with an ambitious agenda that spanned an outdoor concert, a conference, an "UnConference" Outdoor Conference Day, and a Service Day, our team demonstrated unparalleled skill in navigating the complexities of such a multifaceted summit.

Our approach was deeply collaborative, working in concert with local suppliers, the Botswana Government, and the Forbes team. This partnership was pivotal, ensuring every segment of the summit—from the concert that entertained thousands to the intimate Service Day—was executed flawlessly. Our commitment to inclusivity was evident in each detail, ensuring a platform where diverse voices and entrepreneurial spirits from across Africa could shine.

The success of the Forbes U30 Africa Summit underscored not just our logistical competence but our dedication to creating events that resonate with and celebrate the rich diversity of participants. This event is a testament to our belief in the power of inclusivity to enhance engagement and connection at every level of event production.

For a more in-depth look at our journey with the Forbes U30 Africa Summit, visit our case study here.


Our exploration into the significance of diversity and inclusion within corporate events underscores a pivotal shift in the industry. At The Event Production Company, we are deeply committed to fostering environments that not only embrace but celebrate the rich tapestry of cultures, perspectives, and voices that define our global community. Through intentional planning, thoughtful execution, and continuous reflection, we strive to set new standards for inclusivity in event production. It's a journey of endless learning and adaptation, but one that promises to enrich our experiences, broaden our horizons, and ultimately, bring us closer together as a global community. This is not merely the future of event management; it's the present we are passionate about creating today.


  1. What is the significance of diversity and inclusion in corporate events?Diversity and inclusion (D&I) are crucial for fostering a welcoming environment that reflects the global community's rich tapestry. They drive innovation, enhance brand reputation, and improve attendee engagement and retention.
  2. How does The Event Production Company (EPC) approach D&I in event management?EPC integrates D&I into every aspect of event management, from pre-event planning, ensuring venue accessibility and diverse programming, to post-event feedback. Our approach focuses on celebrating cultural diversity and ensuring inclusivity.
  3. Can you provide examples of D&I best practices for event planning?Best practices include selecting accessible venues, providing multilingual materials, accommodating diverse dietary needs, curating a diverse speaker lineup, creating safe spaces for all attendees, and gathering post-event D&I feedback for continuous improvement.
  4. How does cultural consciousness impact event planning in Africa and the Middle East?Understanding the cultural, social, and economic diversity of these regions is vital. It involves respectful venue selection, culturally sensitive programming, effective communication, and catering that considers local dietary preferences.
  5. What are common oversights in event planning regarding D&I, and how can they be avoided?Common oversights include neglecting local expertise, cultural insensitivity in content, inadequate accessibility arrangements, and overlooking local regulations. These can be avoided by engaging with local experts, respecting cultural significance, ensuring accessibility, and complying with local laws.
  6. Why is engaging diverse participation important during corporate events?Engaging diverse participation ensures that all voices are heard and valued, fostering a sense of belonging and community among attendees. It encourages active involvement and enhances the overall event experience.
  7. What role does feedback play in improving D&I in future events?Gathering feedback specifically on D&I aspects helps identify successes and areas for improvement. It is crucial for refining strategies, adjusting planning processes, and enhancing inclusivity in future events.
  8. How does D&I contribute to innovation and creativity in corporate events?D&I bring together diverse perspectives and experiences, serving as a catalyst for innovation and creativity. This diversity of thought challenges conventional ideas and fosters creative solutions.
  9. What impact does D&I have on a brand's reputation and market position?A commitment to D&I enhances a brand's reputation by showcasing its dedication to social responsibility and equity. It attracts a broader audience and builds loyalty among consumers who value inclusivity.
  10. How does EPC ensure cultural sensitivity and inclusivity at its events?EPC ensures cultural sensitivity by deeply understanding the audience's cultural backgrounds, selecting culturally relevant venues, and incorporating local traditions and culinary preferences into event planning. This approach not only respects but celebrates the cultural diversity of attendees.
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